This is the story of an ambitious boy from Loyal Hill, in the village of Summerville on the Avon River in Hants County, who became a respected figure in the business community. Hon. MacCallum Grant served as Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia from 1916 to 1925, the last Nova Scotian to be appointed to two full terms as the King's representative. He created a new standard for the occupants of the viceregal office, reaching out to minorities and utilizing his charm and humour to engage everyone he met.
Presiding By Desire - Nova Scotia's Popular Lieutenant Governor: Hon. MacCallum Grant by Scott J. Burke chronicles Grant's activities as lieutenant governor, highlighting significant events during his eight years at Government House. His terms in office encompassed the First World War and the Halifax Explosion. He played host to famous visitors including the Prince of Wales, and travelled to Washington to meet a president at the White House.