Por primera vez en 200 a os M xico eligi a una mujer como presidenta.
El reconocido periodista y escritor Jorge Zepeda Patterson construye la narraci n m s completa y documentada sobre la vida personal y pol tica de Claudia Sheinbaum: el activismo de sus padres en el 68, su temprano compromiso social, su educaci n humanista y la pasi n por la ciencia que la llev de la UNAM a Berkeley, y de dise ar estufas de le a en la zona pur pecha a desarrollar un sistema de vacunaci n id neo en tiempo r cord. La cr nica relata desde los d as en su infancia cuando visitaba con su madre a presos pol ticos en Lecumberri hasta el d a en que los mexicanos la convirtieron en la primera presidenta del pa s.
Un pico recorrido a trav s del M xico del siglo XXI, con Sheinbaum como protagonista.
Qu retos enfrentar en su sexenio?
Qui nes y c mo son los colaboradores que ha elegido para gobernar?
Qu podemos esperar de la primera presidenta de M xico?
T eres lo mejor que le ha pasado al pa s en estos tiempos. No cabe duda que M xico y su pueblo est n benditos . Andr s Manuel L pez Obrador, 5 de junio de 2024
For the first time in 200 years, Mexico elected a woman as president.
The renowned journalist and writer Jorge Zepeda Patterson constructs the most complete and documented narrative about Claudia Sheinbaum's personal and political life: the activism of her parents in 1968, her early social commitment, her humanist education and the passion for science that took her from UNAM to Berkeley, and from designing wood stoves in the Pur pecha area to developing an ideal vaccination system in record time. The chronicle tells from the days in her childhood when she visited political prisoners with her mother in Lecumberri to the day when Mexicans made her the first president of the country.
An epic journey through Mexico in the 21st century, with Sheinbaum as the protagonist.
What challenges will you face in your six-year term?
Who and how are the collaborators he has chosen to govern?
What can we expect from Mexico's first female president?
"You are the best thing that has happened to the country in these times. There is no doubt that Mexico and its people are blessed." Andr s Manuel L pez Obrador, June 5, 2024