'Brighter and better than Thomas Hardy . . . a marvellous writer' Eloise Millar, Guardian Prudence Sarn was born with her 'precious bane', a cleft palate, for which she is persecuted as a witch by her superstitious neighbours. Hiding from daily ridicule, Prue takes refuge in...
It was at a love-spinning that I saw Kester first. And if, in these new-fangled days, when strange inventions crowd upon us, when I hear tell there is even a machine coming into use in some parts of the country for reaping and mowing, if those that mayhappen will read this don't...
Mary Webb's "Precious Bane" invites readers into a world of rural enchantment and profound challenges. Set in the picturesque Shropshire countryside, this novel unfolds the poignant story of Prue Sarn, a young woman with a unique physical deformity, her "precious bane." Despite...
Born at the time of Waterloo in the wild country of Shropshire, Prudence Sarn is a wild, passionate girl, cursed with a hare lip -- her 'precious bane'. Cursed for it, too, by the superstitious people amongst whom she lives. Prue loves two things: the remote countryside of her...
Winner of the Prix Femina literary award for its ground-breaking themes, Precious Bane by romanticist Mary Webb is a story of finding beauty in being different. Set in the Western English countryside during the French Revolution, Prue Sarn is a teenage girl...
'She has a style of exquisite beauty; which yet has both force and restraint, simplicity and subtlety; she has fancy and wit, delicious humour and pathos. She sees and knows men aright as no other novelist does. She has, In short, genius' Mr. Edwin Pugh
This is the story of us all at Sarn of Mother and Gideon and me and Jancis and Wizard Beguildy and the two or three other folk that lived in those parts that I did set out to tell. There were but a few and maybe always will be for there's a discouragement about the place...
This is the story of us all at Sarn of Mother and Gideon and me and Jancis and Wizard Beguildy and the two or three other folk that lived in those parts that I did set out to tell. There were but a few and maybe always will be for there's a discouragement about the place...