Praying with Our Sorrowful Mother is a unique book that explores the riches of the interior life of Mary. Through her seven sorrows, the Blessed Virgin's soul is opened to humanity in a unique way. Her inestimable love of God and perfectly virtuous life are on display as she...
Praying with Our Sorrowful Mother is a unique book that explores the riches of the interior life of Mary. Through her seven sorrows, the Blessed Virgin's soul is opened to humanity in a unique way. Her inestimable love of God and perfectly virtuous life is on display as she...
Orando con Nuestra Madre Dolorosa es un libro ?nico que explora las riquezas de la vida interior de Mar?a. A trav?s de sus siete dolores, el alma de la Sant?sima Virgen se abre a la humanidad de una manera preciosa. Su inestimable amor por Dios y su vida perfectamente virtuosa...