Because of all the challenges presented by life and death, most people are looking for miracles. That is what this book is all about. Pastor and author, Don Wilton, explores the biblical basis for miracles in this profoundly important subject-a subject that went viral when he preached it from the pulpit.Wilton takes a close look at the example set by Jesus when He turned the water into wine. From this perspective he exposes the reality of miracles and then applies that reality to the hearts and lives of all who need them. In so doing, Wilton demonstrates that miracles are those supernatural things that only God can do! The greatest miracle of all is that which God does for all who call on His name. Once changed through the miracle of salvation, every believer becomes eligible for the miraculous touch of a loving Heavenly Father-who, through His grace and mercy, brings His power to bear on all who seek Him, according to His divine will. No one who reads this booklet will be left without a deep sense of renewed hope-a hope that is centered squarely in and through the Lord Jesus Christ. Every prayer for healing and of intercession for loved ones in desperate need of the Master's touch, will carry a new and profound trust in God's ability to do all that is well pleasing in His sight. And, once you read this, you will want to pass it on to others.