Is your Marriage Going Through Incessant Problems and Challenges?
You Ought to Watch and Pray.
Here is a Resourceful Prayer Guide to Accompany you to Pray Effectively!!!
Is your marriage facing turbulence? Are the winds of insecurity and lack of love wrecking your marriage? Are you in danger of losing your marriage to divorce? Then this book by Prayer Madueke, best-selling author of More Kingdoms to Conquer, is exactly what you need.
He explains exactly what you need to do to preserve your marriage from the numerous troubles facing couples today. Inside this book, you will find targeted prayer points to confront and defeat every possible threat to your marriage.
In this unique book, you will:
Understand that marriage is a life contractUnderstand what a covenant isDiscover how to deal with family problemsFind out about marital challenges you must confrontGet solutions to marital challengesDiscover special prayers to preserve your marriageAnd more...This book will guide you through the exact steps to take to safeguard your marriage from the devil's poisonous darts.
FREE GIFT! Get my four power-packed book series when you purchase this book.
Including one of my best-sellers: Healing Covenant (link at the end of this book)
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