Welcome parents to "Prayers for Children: Building Morals and Virtues." A book for everyone, religious or not.
As parents, we strive to instill good values in our children, and what better way to do so than through prayer? This book is a collection of prayers for children, each one emphasizing a specific moral or virtue found in the Bible.
We believe that the Bible offers timeless wisdom that can guide our children in their daily lives, and our hope is that these prayers and bible verses will help your children grow in character and faith. From love and kindness to honesty and self-discipline, the prayers in this book cover a wide range of important virtues that are essential for a fulfilling and purposeful life.
We invite you to use these prayers as a tool to teach your children about the importance of living a virtuous life. As you read these prayers with your children, may they be inspired and encouraged to follow the example of Jesus Christ and to live a life that honors God.