Prayer for a Rainy Day is a book about the lifestyle of prayer in a family setting. As Grandma Beau reminds us in the first book in the series, The Engine Room, once we understand that God is in heaven and we are on earth and that the only recognised means of communication is prayer, but our sins have blocked that line, we must do something about sin to reconnect with God.
The book encapsulates parents' worry while their children are young, as children often tend to do foolish things for no rhyme or reason. Philo has to come to terms with making a wrong choice, but for the grand mercy of God, things could have turned out much worse.
Prayer for a rainy day advocates persistent prayer, vital to watching over our children even when we're not there. Prayer must not only be done but also seen to be done by our children to constantly remind Godly believers of their total dependence on the Lord. It is an excellent resource for church and families alike.