"OH NO "
"I praise You Lord "
When a crisis hits-no matter what form it takes, you have a choice to make. You alone have the power to choose what comes out of your mouth, how you act and how you react to the news.
This is true during the first minute, the first hour and the first day.
Your emotions can take a wild leap, your body tenses up, and everything inside you tries to panic.
How are you going to respond?
More importantly, what can you do to PREPARE YOURSELF, so that you can make it through the crisis?
This vital book is designed to not only instruct you, but also to train you how to PREPARE, SURVIVE and THRIVE in the midst of the battering storms of life-all from a solid, reliable Bible perspective, using PRAISE AND WORSHIP as the main vehicle to make it through the crisis.
I am going to train you how to anchor yourself in the person of God's Messiah, Jesus, and in the vital scriptures that you need to turn shock into peace and paralysis into scriptural action...while you build your personal relationship with the Lord God Himself.
We are going to look at the following areas:
-What a crisis is, and what forms it can take
-How bad news, tragedy and crisis affect your emotions-and how to keep them under control through the wind and waves of the storm
-The key verses and scriptural principles that you need to feed on and build into your personal walk with God
-The absolutely ESSENTIAL part that praise and worship plays in this whole process
-Why preparing yourself with these scriptures is NOT the same as INVITING trouble or DOUBTING God's protection and provision
-The ONE, CRUCIAL SENTENCE that can carry you through any type of trouble-and, of course, it is based on Scripture
-Why you should assemble a "First Aid Kit" of praise and worship in your lifestyle, so that you can reach for it in the event of an emergency
-What you can do to support others during their own crisis
Is this book born out of personal experience?
Yes, absolutely.
I have lived through a number of crises, using these very same scriptural principles and examples. I have learned to PREPARE, to SURVIVE and to THRIVE the storms-while growing closer to God Almighty and His Messiah, Jesus, through the process.
Now, I want to help you to do the same.
If you are ready for a genuinely life-changing training and experience, then let's get started...
CLICK THE BUY BUTTON...and get ready to supercharge your praise and worship life