Young Gav can remember the page of a book after seeing it once, and, inexplicably, he sometimes "remembers" things that are going to happen in the future. As a loyal slave, he must keep these powers secret, but when a terrible tragedy occurs, Gav, blinded by grief, flees the...
In this Nebula Award-winning novel, the third in the Annals of the Western Shore trilogy, Ursula K. Le Guin writes of the proud cruelty of power, of how hard it is to grow up, and of how much harder still it is to find, in the world's darkness, gifts of light. Young Gav can remember...
In this Nebula Award-winning novel, the third in the Annals of the Western Shore trilogy, Ursula K. Le Guin writes of the proud cruelty of power, of how hard it is to grow up, and of how much harder still it is to find, in the world's darkness, gifts of light. Young Gav can remember...
Pered vami - dva samyh svezhih, no uzhe uspevshih zayavit o sebe romana Ursuly Le Guin. "Prozrenie", tretij roman iz tsikla "Legendy Zapadnogo poberezhya", po rezultatam golosovaniya chlenov Amerikanskoj Assotsiatsii Fantastov (SFWA) priznan luchshim angloyazychnym fantasticheskim...
Pered vami - dva samyh svezhih, no uzhe uspevshih zayavit o sebe romana Ursuly Le Guin. "Prozrenie," tretij roman iz tsikla "Legendy Zapadnogo poberezhya," po rezultatam golosovaniya chlenov Amerikanskoj Assotsiatsii Fantastov (SFWA) priznan luchshim angloyazychnym fantasticheskim...