Positively R.A.W. (Right Attitude Wins) is a self-help book with a difference. Written by the "Ballsy Coach", as Sandra B. Tate the author is known, it reflects all the challenges, struggles and joys of how positive thinking, success principles, and empowerment will take quality of life to a whole new level. It's time to eliminate those limiting and flawed thoughts to get you finally unstuck. By sharing the courage of truth and loving yourself enough those answers you seek will reveal themselves.
In Sandra's own words, "It's time to be your authentic self by creating your own life gems without fear of what you will need to do, be or feel."
Sandra B. Tate brings the reader to ask the difficult questions such as "Who am I?" or "What do I want my life to be?" and "What and who do I want in all areas of my life?" She leads us inwardly and but moves us to simplify our thoughts into bold actions. Creating results that finally move us even closer to our inner-self tucked away for so long. By mastering your "Ballsy Self" and the self-discipline it takes to truly know who you are. You can achieve all of your personal goals for success and happiness. You can and will be the most precious jewel in your own crown.
Packed with real-life inspiring stories as well as motivational snippets, Positively R.A.W. shows the reader that they can succeed through casting aside limiting beliefs and focusing on a vision of the future. With practical advice on reaching success in every facet of your life -- relationships, work, friendships, financial and more -- the book offers not only the evidence that you can succeed but also a handy toolkit to help you get there. From setting goals to understanding what's really important to you, this book helps you at every turning point and at every step of the journey.
With her fair but no-nonsense approach and sunny disposition, Sandra B. Tate convinces the reader that the ballsy approach will lead them to success.
"Sandra B. Tate's Positively R.A.W. is the must-read book of the decade for anyone wanting to reinvent their lives, empower their spirit and achieve beyond their wildest dreams I consult with Sandra monthly to keep me focused on what matters and to get out of my own way. I strongly advise others to do the same " Philippe SHOCK Matthews, host of The Philippe Matthews Show-AKA: "Oprah of the Internet".
"Sandra brings an incredible, infectious energy to her work. Unafraid of being provocative or thought-provoking, she shines a sharp intellect and keen spotlight on the issues that we all need to be thinking about to improve our personal lives, as well as the society we live in." Renita Kalhorn, Peak Performance Strategist, The Flow Factor