Our young women (tweens, teens and older) are under a lot of pressure these days. Researchers tell us the average person has about 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative. That's almost 50,000 of our daily thoughts. Affirmations are about changing our inner self-talk so that we can increase the positive thoughts and drown out the negative ones as much as possible. They help to raise self-esteem and increase self-confidence.
Negative self-talk gains more power with repetition, and can lead to anxiety and depression. Fortunately, positive self-talk gains more power with repetition too Let's help our girls challenge those negative beliefs
Our thoughts have so much power. Let's harness that power to elevate emotional health of the young women and girls near and dear to you with these uplifting and encouraging affirmations to color in and meditate on.
Some of the almost 30 affirmations included are:
I speak to myself with kindnessI play an important role in the worldI don't need to be perfect to be acceptedI am allowed to feel proud of myselfI haven't even seen what I am capable of yetI believe in me