The novel tells the story of Porgy, a crippled street beggar living in the black tenements of Charleston, South Carolina, in the 1920s. We follow him as he woos Bess and for one shining moment becomes all that he has ever imagined himself capable of being...
The novel tells the story of Porgy, a crippled street beggar living in the black tenements of Charleston, South Carolina, in the 1920s. We follow him as he woos Bess and for one shining moment becomes all that he has ever imagined himself capable of being...
2021 Reprint of the 1925 Edition. Facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. The novel tells the story of Porgy, a crippled street beggar living in the black tenements of Charleston, South Carolina, in the 1920s. The character was...
The first major southern novel to portray African Americans outside of stereotypes
The first major southern novel to portray African Americans outside of stereotypes
This vintage book contains DuBose Heyward's 1925 novel, 'Porgy'. It is the tale of a crippled street-urchin living in the black tenements of Charleston, South Carolina, in the 1920s. Porgy was based on a real-life resident of Charleston, Samuel Smalls. This novel constitutes...
Porgy is a novel written by the American author DuBose Heyward and published by the George H. Doran Company in 1925. The novel tells the story of Porgy, a crippled street beggar living in the black tenements of Charleston, South Carolina, in the 1920s. The...