First published in the 1950s, this modern masterpiece is Lawrence Durrell's translation and adaptation of Emmanuel Royidis's classic "Papissa Joanna"--the story of history's only female pope. The story's source is a ninth-century legend: a girl disguised as a monk makes her way...
In this brilliant adaptation of a novel by the 19th century Greek author Emmanuel Royidis, Lawrence Durrell traces the remarkable history of a young woman who travelled across Europe in the ninth century disguised as a monk, acquired great learning, and ruled over Christendom...
First published in the 1950s, this modern masterpiece is Lawrence Durrell's translation and adaptation of Emmanuel Royidis's classic "Papissa Joanna"--the story of history's only female pope. The story's source is a ninth-century legend: a girl disguised as a monk makes her way...
First published in the 1950s, this modern masterpiece is Lawrence Durrell's translation and adaptation of Emmanuel Royidis's classic "Papissa Joanna"--the story of history's only female pope. The story's source is a ninth-century legend: a girl disguised as a monk makes her way...
Pope Joan: A Historical Study is a book written by Emmanuel Rhoidis that delves into the controversial legend of Pope Joan, a female pope who allegedly reigned in the 9th century. Rhoidis approaches the story from a historical perspective, examining the various accounts and theories...
First published in the 1950s, this modern masterpiece is Lawrence Durrell's translation and adaptation of Emmanuel Royidis's classic "Papissa Joanna"--the story of history's only female pope. The story's source is a ninth-century legend: a girl disguised as a monk makes her way...
First published in the 1950s, this modern masterpiece is Lawrence Durrell's translation and adaptation of Emmanuel Royidis's classic "Papissa Joanna"--the story of history's only female pope. The story's source is a ninth-century legend: a girl disguised as a monk makes her way...