Pope Hats follows the trials of a young woman named Frances Scarland, whose social circle mainly consists of an alcoholic actress and an inept ghost named Saarsgard. The comic is an engaging slice-of-life story about young people navigating their own daily shortcomings. Pope Hats was the winner of a 2008 Xeric Foundation Grant. An earlier mini-comic version of the story was shortlisted for the 2008 Doug Wright Awards in the category of Best Emerging Talent.
"Pope Hats by Ethan Rilly is the most impressive debut comic I've seen in years. The work has that deceptive quality of ease about it -- the characters breeze across the page with sparkling dialogue and wonderfully observed gestures." - Seth (author of George Sprott and It's A Good Life If You Don't Weaken)
Black and white with color covers.