Polly in New York is a children's book written by Lillian Elizabeth Roy. The story follows the adventures of Polly Milton, a young country girl who travels to New York City to visit her wealthy friend, Fanny Shaw. Polly is excited to explore the city and experience all the sights...
Polly in New York is a children's book written by Lillian Elizabeth Roy. The story follows Polly Milton, a young girl from the countryside who travels to New York City to live with her wealthy friend Fanny Shaw. Polly is excited to explore the city and experience all the new...
We are happy to announce this classic book. Many of the books in our collection have not been published for decades and are therefore not broadly available to the readers. Our goal is to access the very large literary repository of general public books. The main contents of our...
We are happy to announce this classic book. Many of the books in our collection have not been published for decades and are therefore not broadly available to the readers. Our goal is to access the very large literary repository of general public books. The main contents of our...
Hardcover no dust jacket 1922 292p. 8.00x5.50x1.20 NOVEL ABOUT POLLY AND FAMILY IN NEW YORK
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original...