I am in need of thee to live above the grave and walk on the ground, walking in the pathway to build the heritage of our estate, the gifted tradition of the family. By you still living, you are the portal created to carry out our family name. For you are the positivity of our home-grown legacy. You now have the hands that have been handed down from our bloodline styling system. You are now the new ground breaker for our family legacy. For when you breathe just know that you are breathing to carry on for us. For we shared the same breath. in need of thee to live above the grave and walk on the ground, walking in the pathway to build the heritage of our estate, the gifted tradition of the family. By you still living, you are the portal created to carry out our family name. For you are the positivity of our home-grown legacy. You now have the hands that have been handed down from our bloodline styling system. You are now the new ground breaker for our family legacy. For when you breathe just know that you are breathing to carry on for us. For we shared the same breath.