ISBN: 0312329288
ISBN13: 9780312329280
For more than a decade, readers have turned toThe Year's Best Fantasy and Horrorto find the most rewarding fantastic short stories. Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link and Gavin Grant continue their critically acclaimed and award-winning tradition with another stunning collection of stories. The fiction and poetry here is culled from an exhaustive survey of the field-- nearly four dozen stories, ranging from fairy tales to gothic horror, from magical realism...
Format: Paperback
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from: $7.29
I am a long-time reader of this anthology, and #17 marks a fascinating shift in the fantasy selections. Link & Grant have tastes quite distinct from Windling's, though I can also see some overlap. But the works they've chosen are no less well-written and wonderful. Datlow's horror selections are as strong as always, so there's an interesting new balance in the two genres here. It's a smart and interesting new spin on...
I am delighted to announce that YBFH #17 just won the Stoker Award for Best Anthology of 2003.
The strength of the Datlow/Windling collections was always--aside from the editors' shrewd instincts--the wide net they cast over the field. Grant and Link help continue that tradition, and this edition includes stories from Esquire, The New Yorker, and the Paris Review as well as the breadth of genre magazines and anthologies. The big names are here (King, LeGuin, Gaiman) as well as folks you may not have heard of. There...
The bulk of this great book (500+ pages) reprints about 40 fantasy and horror stories culled from both niche and mainstream literary magazines (the Stephen King story included in the book was originally published in The New Yorker). With the thousands of fantasy books being published every year (more than ever, probably due to the mainstream success of Mr. Potter), you really need a guidebook to find your way through the...