U will enjoy this zombie book I sure did...
The MorningStar Virus - a not-So-Friendly strain that has been likened to the next "Eboli" has spread across Africa like an epidemic and shows no signs of slowing. First there were the random reports, then the confirmations of the attacks, and then the footage of people trying to make it to floating salvation only to find themselves eaten alive by "packs" of ravenous carriers on national TV. Making it worse is the hushed tones...
If the Z in Z.A. Recht doesn't stand for Zombie, it ought to because the man has given the world a great zombie novel in Plague of the Dead (actually, I think the Z stands for Zach, but maybe he can go about getting that changed). Usually, when I start reviewing a zombie novel or movie, I start by pointing out that this horror fan has never been a huge fan of zombies, but I'm not going to do that this time around. Thanks...
The End of the World has begun. It is called Morning Star. A virus of unknown origin and is unlike anything the world has ever seen. Those who are infected are subject to favor, chills, and very violent behavior. As the virus further takes hold those who are infected become incoherent and insanely violent. Their only will in life is to destroy any human that isn't a carrier of the virus. Those who are infected will eventually...
I have been waiting for this book for a while now, and was overjoyed to receive it for X-mas. Recht is responsible for a new, doubly-terifying wrinkle in zombie fiction. I've often heard it debated whether the new fast zombies or the classic shambling ones are scarier. Morningstar gives us both! The first stage of infection has the morningstar virus acting like ebola or other fluid-borne bugs, and can be transmitted through...