Pippie's Warning: Or Mind Your Temper is a novel written by Catharine Crowe in 1848. The story revolves around a young girl named Pippie who has a fiery temper and often gets into trouble because of it. Pippie's mother, who is concerned about her daughter's behavior, sends her...
This charming children's book by Catharine Crowe tells the story of Pippie, a mischievous little girl who learns the importance of controlling her temper. With its engaging characters, playful illustrations, and timeless message, Pippie's Warning is a beloved classic of children's...
Pippie's Warning: Or Mind Your Temper is a novel written by Catharine Crowe and published in 1848. The story follows the life of a young girl named Pippie, who is known for her fiery temper. Despite her parents' attempts to discipline her, Pippie continues to lash out at those...
This charming children's book by Catharine Crowe tells the story of Pippie, a mischievous little girl who learns the importance of controlling her temper. With its engaging characters, playful illustrations, and timeless message, Pippie's Warning is a beloved classic of children's...