This groundbreaking bilingual collection of traditional rhymes celebrates childhood and Latin American heritage--a perfect book for those learning Spanish and fluent speakers alike. Now in paperback! Passed down from generation to generation,...
This groundbreaking bilingual collection of traditional rhymes celebrates childhood and Latin American heritage--a perfect book for those learning Spanish and fluent speakers alike! Passed down from generation to generation, the twenty-nine...
This groundbreaking bilingual collection of traditional rhymes celebrates childhood and Latin American heritage--a perfect book for those learning Spanish and fluent speakers alike! This edition comes complete with a beautiful produced...
En este libro la palabra se hace canto y juego para los más pequeñitos. Dirigida a niños de uno a seis años, esta maravillosa colección bilingüe de rimas tradicionales infantiles, que han sido transmitidas de generación en generación, que celebra la infan