Pilgrims of the Nineteenth Century is a book written by Joseph Ivimey in 1827. It is a continuation of the famous allegorical novel, The Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan. Ivimey's book follows the same basic structure as Bunyan's, with a Christian protagonist embarking on a...
Pilgrims Of The Nineteenth Century is a book written by Joseph Ivimey and published in 1827. The book is a continuation of the famous allegory The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan, and follows a similar narrative structure. The story follows the journey of a group of pilgrims...
Pilgrims of the Nineteenth Century, written by Joseph Ivimey in 1827, is a continuation of John Bunyan's classic work, The Pilgrim's Progress. The book follows the journey of Christiana, the wife of Christian from the original story, and her four sons as they travel to the Celestial...