Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Seventh Edition With Web Study Guide, details human physiological responses to exercise and sport. This edition features digital components and ancillaries to better illustrate how the body performs and responds to physical activity.
Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Sixth Edition With Web Study Guide, frames research findings in physiology in a reader-friendly format, making this textbook a favorite of instructors and students alike. This resource offers a simple way for students to develop an...
This is the loose-leaf version of Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Seventh Edition With Web Study Guide, which offers students a lower-priced printed version of the text. Other binding options are also available. Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Seventh Edition With Web Study...
This is the loose-leaf version of Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Sixth Edition With Web Study Guide, which offers students an affordable, printed version of the text. Other binding options are listed on the right side of the page. Physiology of Sport...
The leading textbook for undergraduate exercise physiology courses, Physiology of Sport and Exercise , is back in an updated fourth edition that is better than ever after extensive external reviews of the previous edition by nine content experts. Renowned authors Jack Wilmore...
This Third Edition is packaged with an Online Student Guide access code. The convenient Web site format of the student guide allows students to practice, review, and develop knowledge and skills about the physiology of sport and exercise.
An introduction to sport and exercise physiology for students, this book reviews the major body systems, and examines the body's acute responses to exercise and its chronic response to training. Students are taught how the environment affects these responses, and the text examines...
This work presents a solid foundation of basic exercise physiology. Including more than 300 colour graphs and illustrations explaining key concepts, it captures significant research findings in a reader-friendly format.
La quinta edici n de Fisiolog a del Deporte y el Ejercicio , el libro de texto preferido en los programas de estudio de fisiolog a del ejercicio, ha sido completamente actualizada, tanto en su contenido como en su dise o gr fico. Todos los autores son investigadores destacados...
The leading textbook for undergraduate exercise physiology courses, Physiology of Sport and Exercise, Fifth Edition With Web Study Guide, has been fully updated in both content and design. The authors, all distinguished researchers and past presidents of the American College...