Originally published in 1977 Phantom Ladies is an alphabetical, county-by-county guide to hauntings across Great Britain and the first book to concentrate exclusively upon female ghosts. Compiled by veteran ghost hunter Andrew Green (1927-2004) it is now updated for the 21st century by Alan Murdie, Chairman of the Ghost Club (founded 1862).
Traditional ghosts, such as nuns and unhappy lovers, form the majority of cases but there are many others, including actresses, aristocrats, mothers with their babies and even a highwaywoman
There is the same variety in the sites of the hauntings, with golf clubhouses, multi-storey carparks, industrial estates and pubs sharing the honours with more customary ancient castles, historic churches and antique ruins.
Many cases have been personally investigated by both authors across the years, sifting the evidence of witnesses and separating genuine hauntings from those which are tricks of the imagination or have purely natural causes.
Additionally, it includes extra commentary and discussion of ghostly experiences involving phantom females, includes an examination of mysterious 'Lady in White' phenomenon found not only throughout the British Isles but in different cultures across the world and which poses a challenge to psychical research.
Also acting as gazetteer to touring ghost hunters it provides guidance on how to conduct investigations and road and rail directions to each site open to the public.