The Workshop empowers leaders, associates, or intact teamsto:
Be curious, not furious, when faced with a challengingcolleague.Get information and ideas across so they are understood.Promote ideas that are accepted rather than resisted.Think ?we? rather than ?me? in team situations.The Facilitator's Guide includes robust instructions forconducting a Workshop as well as a sample ParticipantWorkbook and People Quotient Scale. Also included is avaluable CD-ROM with a PowerPoint(R) presentation and videocases. Each component is designed to encourage participation, increase retention, and promotion immediate application.
The PeopleSmart program can be conducted in twelve hoursand contains ten modules, eight of which focus on a coreinterpersonal skill. The program features ?active training?techniques which minimize lecturing and maximize learningactivities. Much of the program is based on examining andpracticing skills applicable to actual work experiences. UsePeopleSmart to supplement an existing skills trainingprograms or as a foundation of an entirely new program.