""Pearl of Pearl Island"" is a novel written by John Oxenham and first published in 1908. The story is set in the South Pacific and follows the adventures of a young Englishman named Dick Royd, who finds himself stranded on an island with a group of other castaways. The island...
"Pearl of Pearl Island" from William Arthur Dunkerley. Prolific English journalist, novelist and poet , he also wrote under the name of John Oxenham (1852-1941).
""Pearl of Pearl Island"" is a classic adventure novel published in 1908 by John Oxenham. The story is set in the South Pacific and follows the journey of a young Englishman named Dick Royd, who is shipwrecked on a remote island. There, he meets a beautiful native girl named...
Pearl of Pearl Island by John Oxenham has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future...