Welcome to Pawnee: More Exciting than New York, More Glamorous than Hollywood, Roughly the Same Size as Bismarck, North Dakota In Pawnee, Leslie Knope (as played by Amy Poehler on NBC's hit show Parks and Recreation) takes readers on a hilarious tour through her hometown, the Midwestern haven known as Pawnee, Indiana. The book chronicles the city's colorful citizens and hopping nightlife, and also explores some of the most hilarious events...
Look Out for the Little Guy! is the newly published memoir of Scott Lang (aka Ant-Man). What's that you say? Ant-Man isn't real? Well, sure, but that doesn't mean the memoir can't be real. Deepen your experience of this story and ten other made-up worlds.
While we wait for Wes Anderson's latest feature film Asteroid City and Netflix movie The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, let's review his oeuvre so far and his formidable legacy of style.