The buzz word of this decade seems to be the word change. Everyone is talking about change. We want changes in politics and in the laws that govern our land. We want changes in our educational system, better wages and equality across the board. We are looking for a way to right the wrongs of our society, to advance in prosperity and to secure better lives for ourselves, our children, our grandchildren and future generations. Change can be a really good thing, if we are working to bring about the right kinds of change for the right reasons.
God is all about change He wants us to experience the kinds of change which will produce goodness and excellence in our lives. God's plans for us are disclosed in the pages of the Bible. He tells us within those pages that we are created by him and that we each have purpose and a destiny to fulfill.
Passionate Pursuit of Purity is written to help us to discover the destiny which we have been given by God, our Creator, and to better understand the purpose for which we were created. The chapters of this book contain keys to unlocking the mystery of personal intimacy with God, as well as lessons which teach us how to embrace Scriptural principles which will bring forth the most incredibly exciting changes in our lives for God's glory. Join with me as we begin our passionate pursuit of purity