As F. Scott Fitzgerald portrayed the mad glories of the 1920s on the printed page, Tamara de Lempicka (1898-1980) captured them on canvas. A seductive Garbo-esque beauty with an irresistible force of personality, this refugee of the Russian Revolution successively conquered...
Tamara de Lempicka captured the whirlwind decade of the 1920s on canvas, painting (and charming) the rich and famous of Europe in Art Deco portraits.
The threat of a second world war sent Tamara packing to America, where she reveled among the famous in...
Tamara de Lempicka captured the whirlwind decade of the 1920s on canvas, painting (and charming) the rich and famous of Europe in Art Deco portraits. The threat of a second world war sent Tamara packing to America, where she reveled among the famous in Hollywood and the wealthy...