The true story of Chiune Sugihara, the "Japanese Schindler," who, with his family's encouragement, saved thousands of Jews in Lithuania during World War II. As a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania in the 1940s, Chiune Sugihara had a chance to help thousands of Jews...
In 1940, Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat stationed in Lithuania, risked his life to issue thousands of exit visas to Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis. Seen through the eyes of his son, Hiroki, who was five at the time, this moving story shows how one person can truly make...
In Spanish. The true story of Chiune Sugihara, the "Japanese Schindler," who, with his family's encouragement, saved thousands of Jews in Lithuania during World War II. As a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania in the 1940s, Chiune Sugihara had a chance to help thousands...
In 1940, Chiune Sugihara-a Japanese diplomat stationed in Lithuania-risked his life to issue thousands of exit visas to Jewish refugees fleeing from the Nazis. Seen through the eyes of his son, Hiroki, who was five years old at the time, this moving story shows how one person...