Despite decades of research, billions of dollars spent worldwide, the development of many drugs, many failed clinical trials, and the extensive publication of research and other articles on the subject, it is clear that our approach to solving Parkinson's disease is not really working. Indeed, presently, no drug can cure or stop this disease from progressing What is happening? Like in the case of Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases, Dr. Fymat believes we got the cause all wrong and, instead, of remaining focused on the primary end-point of a cure, the emphasis had shifted to surrogate often uncorrelated, end-points. In this book, he elucidates the disease and attempts to reorient our approach along a path he is convinced will be more successful in leading us to a cure. He breaks down barriers to make research accessible and focuses on the important aspects of the underlying research. He distills this information and conveys to Parkinson's patients and their caregivers the results of research, including his own, on this devastating disease. He also reports on his breakthrough as to the underlying root cause of the disease, provides the outlines of his new approach, and even suggests the methodology to be followed.