Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) affects up to 1 in 20 people, and is particularly prevalent among young people in the adoption and fostering system. As a hidden brain injury, FASD can manifest in ways that often lead to challenging behaviors, which can feel overwhelming for caregivers relying on traditional parenting strategies.
In this supportive guide, Barb Clark shares her experiences raising a child with FASD - what she got wrong, what she got right, and what you can do to support your own family. Through chapters including plain-English explanations of what FASD actually is, the strengths and struggles of kids with FASD, and strategies for keeping your head above water, Barb offers practical advice for looking after yourself and your family. This is an essential read for parents and carers of kids and teens with FASD, as well as the professionals supporting them.Related Subjects
Parenting & Relationships