In the posh London street of Paragon Walk, an unspeakable crime is committed: A young woman is brutally raped and murdered. Once again, that incomparable team of sleuths Inspector Thomas Pitt and his young wife, Charlotte, set themselves against a vicious murderer. As the elegant...
In this difficult case of murder, suspicion falls on the victim's half-brothers, a French rake, and even Emily's weak, philandering husband. Wearing borrowed dresses, Charlotte takes tea and cakes up and down the Walk, while gathering information vital to Pitt's investigation...
"Perry has the great gift of making it all seem immediate and very much alive." THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER In the posh London street of Paragon Walk, a young woman is brutally raped and murdered. Once again the incomparable team of sleuths, Inspector Thomas Pitt and his young...