This book will make you a more effective and prolific author of scholarship
Pain-Free Writing for Nurses is an enjoyable but effective primer on writing and will improve your scholarly contributions to the nursing literature.
The tips provided in this book will improve your writing, increase your output, and help you address the stress involved in creating meaningful, professional content.
This concise, practical text provides:
Strategies to deal with the anxiety and procrastination associated with writingRationales for writing in today's academic and professional nursing environmentBasic structures for scholarly writingHow to find a topicHow to develop and use a manuscript outline to save timeStrategies to increase readership of your workHow to deal with feedback, criticism, and critiqueHelpful examples of various scholarly documents, including: DNP and other scholarly projectsAbstractsData-based and non-data-based scholarly manuscriptsResearch proposalsAcademic assignments and job postingsJob application and recommendation letters, professional writing, and moreThe authors share personal stories and tips learned through years of professional and academic writing.
Writing Tip
The primary purpose of scholarly writing is to communicate new knowledge. If you want to write to mystify your reader, write a mystery novel. If you want to be creative in your writing, compose haiku. If you want to focus on scholarly writing, read this book☺