Overdale is a novel written by Emma Jane Worboise. It is a classic Victorian-era novel that tells the story of a young woman named Editha Rayner. Editha is the daughter of a wealthy businessman who has recently passed away, leaving her with a large inheritance. However, Editha's...
Overdale is a novel by Emma Jane Worboise that tells the story of a young woman named Edith who is forced to leave her comfortable life in London and move to the countryside. Edith's father has lost his fortune, and they must live with her aunt and uncle in the small village...
Overdale is a novel written by Emma Jane Worboise. The story revolves around the life of a young woman named Mary Grey, who lives in the small village of Overdale. Mary is a kind-hearted and charitable young woman who is loved by all in the village. However, her life takes a...