Claim Your Victory Today!
There is no more losing battles for you. It's time to win, the struggle stops now. This book will create a new change in your life. It does not matter what the situation looks like, I call it over!
Bulimia Nervosa is one of the most embarrassing addictions to admit. Millions of people silently suffer from eating disorders. For three and a half years I struggled with bulimia. The power of God set me free ten years ago. In this book I share my story. Addictions are strongholds, influenced by demonic activity. Instead of allowing the enemy to keep me silent with shameful secrets, I choose to expose his secrets. This book is here to guide you towards taking that strong leap of faith into your deliverance. Let's Go!
As you walk in the newness of life, encourage someone else. Remember to show kindness and respect towards others. You are a blessing to your family and community. We are all brothers and sisters, let's be mindful to not judge but rather lift one another up. Peace and blessings to you, amen!
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