Three siblings embark on an epic quest for a mythic grail in this first installment of Susan Cooper's epic and award-winning The Dark Is Rising Sequence, now with a brand-new look All through time, the two great forces of Light and Dark have battled for control...
On holiday in Cornwall, the three Drew children discover an ancient map in the attic of the house that they are staying in. They know immediately that it is special. It is even more than that -- the key to finding a grail, a source of power to fight the forces of evil known as...
The first volume of Susan Cooper's brilliant and absorbing fantasy series, The Dark Is Rising. On holiday in Cornwall, the three Drew children discover an ancient map in the attic of the house that they are staying in. They know immediately that it is special. It...
Three siblings embark on an epic quest for a mythic grail in this first installment of Susan Cooper's epic and award-winning The Dark Is Rising Sequence, now with a brand-new look! All through time, the two great forces of Light and Dark have battled for control...
On holiday in Cornwall, the three Drew children discover an ancient map in the attic of the house that they are staying in. They know immediately that it is special. It is even more than that -- the key to finding a grail, a source of power to fight the forces of evil known as...
"I DID NOT KNOW THAT YOU CHILDREN WOULD BE THE ONES TO FIND IT. OR WHAT DANGER YOU WOULD BE PUTTING YOURSELVES IN." Throughout time, the forces of good and evil have battled continuously, maintaining the balance . Whenever evil forces grow too powerful, a champion of good is...
hardcover 6th printing; like new dust jacket (s1)
In this second book of Cooper's classic Dark Is Rising sequence, the three Drew children discover an ancient map that is actually the key to finding a grail, a source of power to fight the forces of evil known as the Dark.