Just as Tuesdays with Morrie affectionately presented unvarnished truths from a mentoring relationship between teacher and student, Over Salad and Hot Bread explores the life lessons that surface through the bond of two very different women. A simple story of friendship, and so much more, this poignant, beautifully written book explores the relationship between two women, years apart, who are drawn together by a love for writing and road trips. The...
"Every person is a new door to a different world" - from the movie Six Degrees of Separation Nancy was bold and daring, carefree and extroverted, a collector of people. Adventurous, impetuous she was ready to travel the world at a moment's notice whether it be in a sailboat crossing the Atlantic with her husband, Lynn, or on a day trip in her green Dodge she aptly named "Peppermint." She made friends easily, but...
I received this book as a gift. I enjoyed it so much I'm ordering 5 books for friends! I wouldn't have chosen it by the title, I thought it would be lacking spiritually: I WAS WRONG. This book is very spiritually moving yet the author writes it as if you are curled up on the couch next to her for storytime. I can't say enough about the book: Great, Enjoyable, Insightful, Deep, Humorous, Tear-jerking. A GREAT READ.
I am still reading this little book because I have been spending too much time on the computer but I have to say I am enjoying it very much. I find some of the content surprising but as I read on, an understanding of the person and the times etc make a lot of sense. So far I am feeling very comfortable with this read. Thank you Mary Jenson for bringing it to us.