Have you previously had bad experiences outsourcing your marketing because the people you hired failed to come through? Or maybe you've been burned by throwing money at over-bloated ad agencies who overpromised and under-delivered?
This book is a succinct and practical guide for succeeding at outsourcing marketing that goes beyond keeping up with trends and finally gets to the root of the problem: understanding how to delegate effectively.
What if the problem that holds you back from getting great results from your marketing efforts and growing your business isn't spending more money, but just knowing what to ask for and who to trust?
You can hire guru coaches, enroll in the best courses, and attend the star-studded conferences, but if you don't get out of your way and learn the basics of marketing productivity, your business will suffer.
This handbook shows you how to tackle the most common roadblocks entrepreneurs face when implementing scalable marketing.
Award-winning business coach and former marketing executive for NASA, Jen DeVore Richter identifies the keys to creating an Outsourced Marketing System(TM) based on her proprietary 6-step framework.
This book will give you the epiphany you need to improve your outcomes as a marketer of ideas and services.