Outsider art (self-taught art, folk art) is made up of paintings, drawings, sculptures, assemblages, and idiosyncratic gardens and other outdoor constructions created by people who have had little or no formal training in art and who produce (or at least began by producing) art without regard to mainstream recognition or the marketplace. Interest in the field has increased tremendously since the beginning of the 1990s, and there are now several major periodicals, numerous large yearly auctions, and dozens of museums and galleries devoted to the field.
This annotated guide contains entries for books and exhibition catalogs, periodicals, newspapers, and films about self-taught artists and their art. Books on every theme and point of view are listed here, including reference books, biographies, exhibition publications of all sizes, picture books, and books meant for children.
Publications from the entire century, through 1999, are included. All annotations are meant to describe the contents of the material cited, and to list the artists referred to in the book or article. This book is fully and artfully indexed for easy reference.