From C.S. Lewis, the acclaimed author of The Chronicles of Narnia, comes the first book in the classic science fiction Space Trilogy following the resourceful Dr. Ransom as he is abducted and taken by spaceship to Mars. Written during the dark hours immediately...
From C.S. Lewis, the acclaimed author of The Chronicles of Narnia, comes the first book in the classic science fiction Space Trilogy following the resourceful Dr. Ransom as he is abducted and taken by spaceship to Mars. Written during the dark hours immediately...
M s all del planeta silencioso es la primera novela de la cl sica trilog a de ciencia ficci n de C. S. Lewis. Cuenta la aventura del Dr. Ransom, un acad mico de Cambridge, que es secuestrado y llevado en una nave espacial al planeta rojo de Malacandra, que l conoce como...
Viaje hacia un destino desconocido al que es obligado a ir el protagonista, Ransom. Ransom es un profesor universitario (Lewis suele utilizar este tipo de personajes en sus novelas, ya que l tambi n era profesor) que se encuentra de viaje por las zonas rurales de Inglaterra...