Endorsements: Wipf and Stock is to be congratulated for making Beverly Wildung Harrison's Our Right to Choose newly available. Recognized as a classic in its field from its publication in 1983, Our Right to Choose is as compelling--and needed--today as it was then. - Nyla Rasmussen, RN, Maternal Child Health Larry Rasmussen, Reinhold Niebuhr Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics, Union Theological Seminary, New York City ""This historic book is as incisive,...
Simply the best treatment of the historical, religious, theological, medical, ethical issues regarding abortion. Period. Any real discussion of abortion must deal with Harrison's work. Regrettably, I loaned that book to somebody (who I don't recall), and it was never returned. I trust they needed it more than did I.
Dr.Harrison was Professor of Christian Ethics at UnionTheological Seminary. She uses theological scholarshipand scientific data to make a case for a pro-choice feminist morality of abortion. Her work is one ofthe classics of pro-choice political theory. Alsorecommended- her book "Making the Connections."