He looked at me and quickly looked away, and I saw a frown etch his face. I sat up, worried. Nobody likes to see their partner frown after an act of lovemaking. "Dandy, what's wrong?"Michael?" He asked. I'm here," I replied softly. He turned to me with a grave look in his eyes. "This can't happen again.''I gasped. The hope that was fluttering in my chest died. "What?" We, I can't do this.''I didn't know what people meant when they say their hearts are broken, but right there, at that very moment, I felt it-my heart, break.
George A. Bryad in his new thrilling gay romantic fiction novel narrates the story of a college student named michael who helplessly fell in love with his class mate and friend, Dandy.
What does the future hold for Michael?
Was his love reciprocated back to him?
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