Two hundred years after Earth's destruction, humans are on the run from the Warrior Alphas, who have taken over the planet. Only old, leather-bound books pulled from the rubble tell the story of who once inhabited most of Earth.
Calypso is one of the last survivors, hiding in one of remaining human safe havens. But she's different than the rest of her kind; her hair a silvery blue and her eyes like ice, due to a mutation in her genes from past nuclear fallout. She has always been warned about the large, merciless enemy, and that if they found them, they would be killed or enslaved.
One night, Calypso is dragged from the safety of the barrier by one of their leaders. To her surprise, one of the alien males - Kassien - comes across her scent and saves her, and sets forth a chain of events that will not only change their lives, but the future of their races.
Content warning: this book contains explicit sexual content, and is not suitable for readers under 18 years of age.