Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction
Finalist for the PEN/Jacqueline Bograd Weld Award for Biography "An exhilarating romp through Orwell's life and times and also through the life and times of roses." --Margaret Atwood "A...
Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction
Finalist for the PEN/Jacqueline Bograd Weld Award for Biography "An exhilarating romp through Orwell's life and times and also through the life and times of roses." --Margaret Atwood "A...
A partir de la figura de George Orwell, la gran pensadora de nuestro tiempo nos insta a la reflexi?n en un libro urgente, hermoso y esperanzador. «En el a?o 1936, un escritor plant? unas rosas . As? comienza el nuevo libro de Rebecca Solnit, una reflexi?n...