This book puts Organizational Management under the microscope. Focus on OM basics like objects and relationships, and then move to advanced tools like Manager Self-Services, Manager's Desktop, and the Organization and Staffing interface. Learn about evaluation paths, hierarchy reporting, and how you can strengthen the foundation of your human resources system through integration. Make sure your organizational and reporting structure is up to par
Organizational Management Basics Learn OM basics, including the object-oriented concept and object relationships. Maintain objects and relationships using implementation guides, end user interfaces, and other tools.
Key OM Tools Discover and explore the tools delivered by SAP to maintain objects and relationships, such as MSS and MDT, the Organization and Staffing interface, Simple Maintenance, General Structure, Expert Mode, and more.
Reporting in OM Explore the different reporting tools and see how you can create flat reports, analytical reports, statistical reports, and more.
Object-oriented concepts Evaluation paths MSS and MDT interfaces Infotype maintenance Matrix structure PNP/PNPCE, PAP, and PCH databases Reporting tools Implementation guides Integration switches SAP SuccessFactors