Organic Chemistry, 3rd Edition offers success in organic chemistry requires mastery in two core aspects: fundamental concepts and the skills needed to apply those concepts and solve problems. Students must learn to become proficient at approaching new situations...
Students often say, "I studied 40 hours for this exam and I still didn't do well. Where did I go wrong?" Most instructors hear this complaint every year. In many cases, it is true that the student invested countless hours, only to produce abysmal results. Often, inefficient study...
Students often say, "I studied 40 hours for this exam and I still didn't do well. Where did I go wrong?" Most instructors hear this complaint every year. In many cases, it is true that the student invested countless hours, only to produce abysmal results. Often, inefficient study...
In Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, Dr. David Klein builds on his unique skills-based approach, including all of the concepts typically covered in an organic chemistry textbook, but placing special emphasis on skills development to support these concepts. This emphasis upon skills...