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HistoryLike all of Emilie Richards' books, a joy to read from start to finish. Will be sorry to see these KEY stories end....but this was an extra terrific way to pull together all the women's stories in every way. Love this author. Highly recommend.
FORTUNATE HARBOR by Emilie Richards is the second book in the Happiness Key Trilogy and is filled with the interwoven lives, loves, losses, and friendships of five women who are the main characters in this series. The story is set on a twenty-five acre spit of land called Happiness Key on the Gulf Coast of Florida and so well researched and described by Richards that you will feel at home at once. Emilie Richards centers...
Richards has done it again! Wonderful way of weaving current events, applied to believable charachters. Love how she stitches together the bonds of friendship, loyalty, support into a believable story line. I always love books in a series, and always like reading about how when we work together, we can accomplish great things. Tracy was a spoiled princess, and now runs the community center. She has become a valued member...
Originally posted at:[...] Fear, heartache, worry, suspense, and mystery prowl the twenty-five acre spit of land called Happiness Key on the Gulf Coast of Florida. The five ramshackle cottages on this land house an intriguing assortment of women who form a bond that proves to be a support system strong and faithful regardless of the circumstance. Dana and Lizzie Turner, mysterious and secretive vagabonds, move into the only...
Emilie Richards is becoming one of my most favorite authors, I just received this book two days ago and already I'm getting aggravated with interruptions of daily life. I love hanging out with the "girls". Keep this great series coming!! I also love that I don't have to stumble over any offending words. Thank God for authors who can write a great book and express without foul language. I was beginning to believe it was...