Buried under a remote Mongolian mountain, Unit 57 never expected to lose their entire security force in one night.
The Ministry of State Security officer, Yimu Fang, shadow-commander of Unit 57's security force, is feeling the pressure. He's outnumbered by foreign, and expendable, mercenaries manning an internet troll farm. They're undercontrol for now, until they find out there's nobody watching them.
Langley noticed Tonya Chi-Hye hasn't checked in from the Gobi desert. Command sent out a search party. They follow a trail of clues leading them straight to Unit 57's doorstep. Inside the clandestine cavern of Unit 57, Mossad agent Karl Gruben endures interrogations with no hope except liquidation. The CIA team insinuates themselves into the facility. Their daring infiltration turns up a bombshell: China released a bio-weapon. And there's no clue of Chi-Hye's whereabouts.
Where are his comrades? Concern for their safety eats at Gruben's soul, feeding a primal drive to escape or die trying. The CIA team keeps skirting the edge of discovery. Will someone notice they're not supposed to be there? Can they find their colleagues? Maybe help Gruben and his guys in the process?
Go undercover with a CIA team, unaware they're already dead. They just don't know it yet.