The only way I can try to escape the cocky know-it-all guest at the B&B is to give in and work at the summer camp out of town. Nothing like some outdoor fun babysitting whiny preteens and swatting mosquitoes. Yeah, right. Fleeing might have worked if he didn't decide to follow me there. Now I'm trapped with a bad boy daredevil for two weeks, and it seems I've met my match.
Calling his bluff is a mistake I'll never repeat, but it's not easy resisting him, especially with the thrilling way we taunt each other in this game of push-and-pull. Each time I remind myself to be rational and stick to my goals for life, he ups the challenge and has me eager for more of his brand of fun. It doesn't matter if he can turn obstacles courses and deterring bears into adventures, there's no way I can accept anything more than one time of fun. Or is there?
Something about Evie has pulled me in from the moment we met, but now that we're together at camp, I'm stuck, struggling to win her over. There's no doubt we're attracted to each other, yet, she still holds back on giving me a real chance. She wants something long-lasting and permanent, but I don't have any hope when she avoids me at every turn.
Between ax-throwing contests and designing friendship bracelets with illicit messages, Evie proves she's into me but not the idea of us. How else can I make my point? What will it take for her to risk her heart and consider me as more than just a source of some naughty fun in the woods?